Sabtu, 07 November 2009

MAYBE this decision was a mistake.
You probably don't care what I have to say.
But it's been heavy on my mind for months now.
Guess I'm trying to clear some mental space.
I’m enough of him, enough with those damn apologies. He hasn’t changed at all

Senin, 14 September 2009

Thanks god it's holiday time baby!

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

tanggal brp skrng 30,8 hari lagi ulgthnku dong baru ingat oh ya dan pas pemilu tepatnya,ok itu masih lama lebih tepatnya seminggu lebihh sehari.
Dan ulghtnku ini menginggatkan bahwa sebentar lg umurku 15 huoaa

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

besok pengumuman uan~~~
deg degan bgt tp pusing juga karna gue blm punya sepatu buat entar prom fufu makanya hari ini mau nyari tp agak ga konsen gt soalnya mikirn uanku gimana...
semoga dascouder lulus semua nemnya tinggi amin

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

1.I want to have a beautiful life even though i know that life's may not perfect
2.Became a good girl for my mom brother my friends
3.I wish my lack become my excess
4.In the future i wish i have a good man for me to become my husband and
i have a litlle cute baby and we'll live in rome....

5.And in the end i wish i can go to heaven